Is There Too Much Benchmarking in Asset Management? (2023) with Anil Kashyap, Natalia Kovrijnykh, and Anna Pavlova
American Economic Review
Abstract: We propose a tractable model of asset management in which benchmark- ing arises endogenously, and analyze its welfare consequences. Fund managers’ portfolios are not contractible and they incur private costs in running them. In- centive contracts for fund managers create a pecuniary externality through their effect on asset prices. Benchmarking inflates asset prices and creates crowded trades. The crowding reduces the effectiveness of benchmarking in incentive contracts for others, which fund investors fail to account for. A social planner, recognizing the crowding, opts for contracts with less benchmarking and less incentive provision. The planner also delivers lower asset management costs.
The Benchmark Inclusion Subsidy (2021) with Anil Kashyap, Natalia Kovrijnykh, and Anna Pavlova
Journal of Financial Economics
Abstract: We argue that the pervasive practice of evaluating portfolio managers relative to a benchmark has real effects. Benchmarking generates additional, inelastic demand for assets inside the benchmark. This leads to a “benchmark inclusion subsidy:” a firm inside the benchmark values an investment project more than the one outside. The same wedge arises for valuing M&A, spinoffs, and IPOs. This overturns the proposition that an investment’s value is independent of the entity considering it. We describe the characteristics that determine the subsidy, quantify its size (which could be large), and identify empirical work supporting our model’s predictions.
Working Papers
Investor Composition and the Liquidity Component in the U.S. Corporate Bond Market (2023) with Haiyue Yu
Conditionally accepted, Journal of Finance
The Convenience Yield, Inflation Expectations, and Public Debt Growth (2023) with Zhiyu Fu and Yinxi Xie
Conditionally accepted, Review of Financial Studies
Corporate Bond Multipliers: Substitutes Matter (2023) with Manav Chaudhary and Zhiyu Fu
R&R at Review of Financial Studies
Intermediation via Credit Chains (2023) with Zhiguo He
R&R at Journal of Finance
Borrowing from a Bigtech Platform (2023) with Stefano Pegoraro
R&R at Review of Financial Studies
The Dynamics of Deposit Flightiness and its Impact on Financial Stability (2024) with Kristian Blickle, Xu Lu and Yiming Ma
The Market for Sharing Interest Rate Risk: Quantities and Asset Prices (2024) with Umang Khetan, Ioana Neamțu and Ishita Sen
The Value of Data to Fixed Income Investors (2023) with Jennie Bai and Asaf Manela
Older Papers
Investor Concentration, Liquidity and Bond Price Dynamics with Haiyue Yu
The Pricing and Welfare Implications of Non-Anonymous Trading with Ehsan Azarmsa